Native Wildflowers
“You belong among the wildflowers.” - Tom Petty

Beach Dune Sunflower
Helianthus debilis
Cold: Semi-tender Light: Sun Salt: Excellent Soil PH: Wide Moisture: Dry / Average Leaves: Evergreen
2 ft height. Long lived annual, pull main plant out when too leggy. Reseeds. Showy yellow flowers all year. Excellent ground cover.
Black-eyed Susan
Rudbeckia sp.
Cold: Hardy Light: Sun / Partial Shade Salt: Poor Soil PH: Wide Moisture: Average / Moist Leaves: Evergreen
1 ft height. Perennial. Bright yellow flowers in summer and fall.
Blue-eyed Grass (aka Iris)
Sisyrinchium angustifolium
Cold: Hardy Light: Sun / Partial Shade Salt: Poor Soil PH: Acid Moisture: Moist Leaves: Evergreen
1 ft height. Showy. Spreads. Perfect at the base of a bird bath.
Blue Flag Iris
Iris virginica
Cold: Hardy Light: Sun / Partial Shade Salt: Poor Soil PH: Acid Moisture: Moist / Flooded Leaves: Evergreen
3 ft height. Perennial. Lavender flowers in spring. Wet sites. Naturalizes.
Calamint, Georgia
Calamintha georgiana
Cold: Hardy Light: Sun / Partial Shade Salt: Poor Soil PH: Alkaline Moisture: Dry / Average Leaves: Evergreen
2 ft height. Rare dry land mint. Pink-purple blooms spring through fall, full blooming in fall. Attracts butterflies and bees.
Cardinal Flower
Lobelia cardinalis
Cold: Hardy Light: Sun / Partial Shade Salt: Poor Soil PH: Acid Moisture: Moist / Flooded Leaves: Evergreen
3 ft height. Perennial. Brilliant red flower in summer. A favorite of hummingbirds.
Cutleaf Coneflower
Rudbekia lanciniata
Cold: Hardy Light: Partial Shade Salt: Poor Soil PH: Acid Moisture: Average / Moist Leaves: Evergreen
3 ft height. Perennial. Unique Florida Rudbekia with green flower heads. Blooms summer-fall. Re-seeds.
Dotted Horsemint (aka Spotted Beebalm)
Monarda punctata
Cold: Hardy Light: Sun / Partial Shade Salt: Fair Soil PH: Wide Moisture: Dry / Average Leaves: Evergreen
3 ft height. Perennial. Mint family. Good insect pollinator. Aromatic.
Giant Ironweed
Vernonia angustifolia
Cold: Hardy Light: Sun / Partial Shade Salt: Poor Soil PH: Wide Moisture: Average Leaves: Evergreen
4 ft height. Perennial. Purple blooms June to October. Combine with goldenrods. Attracts butterflies. Re-seeds.
Goldenrod, Pinebarron
Solidago fistulosa
Cold: Hardy Light: Sun / Partial Shade Salt: Poor Soil PH: Wide Moisture: Dry / Average / Moist Leaves: Evergreen
3 ft height. Showy stalked yellow flowers summer through fall. Attracts pollinators.
Goldenrod, Seaside
Solidago sempervirens
Cold: Hardy Light: Sun / Partial Shade Salt: Poor Soil PH: Wide Moisture: Dry / Average / Moist Leaves: Evergreen
5 ft height. Spikes of yellow flowers summer through fall. https://flawildflowers.org/flower-friday-solidago-sempervirens/
Goldenrod, Slender
Solidago stricta
Cold: Hardy Light: Sun / Partial Shade Salt: Poor Soil PH: Wide Moisture: Average / Moist Leaves: Evergreen
3 ft height. Spikes of yellow flowers summer through fall.
Milkweed, Pink Swamp
Asclepias incarnata
Cold: Hardy Light: Sun / Partial Shade Salt: Poor Soil PH: Wide Moisture: Average / Moist Leaves: Deciduous
2 ft height. Perennial. Pink flowers. Larval host to the Monarch, Queen and Soldier butterflies. Attracts various pollinators.
Milkweed, White Swamp
Asclepias perennis
Cold: Hardy Light: Sun / Partial Shade Salt: Poor Soil PH: Wide Moisture: Average / Moist Leaves: Deciduous
2 ft height. Perennial. White flowers. Larval host to the Monarch, Queen and Soldier butterflies. Attracts various pollinators.

Tropical Sage
Salvia coccinea
Cold: Hardy Light: Sun / Partial Shade Salt: Fair Soil PH: Wide Moisture: Dry / Average / Moist Leaves: Evergreen
3 ft height. Annual. Red, white or pink flower varieties available. Butterfly and hummingbird attractor. Reseeds.
Starry Rosinweed
Silphium asteriscus
Cold: Hardy Light: Sun / Partial Shade Salt: Poor Soil PH: Wide Moisture: Average / Moist Leaves: Evergreen
3 ft height. Hardy. Perennial. Stalked yellow flowers spring through fall.
Tradescantia ohiensis
Cold: Hardy Light: Sun / Partial Shade Salt: Poor Soil PH: Wide Moisture: Dry / Average / Moist Leaves: Evergreen
2 ft height. Perennial. Clumping. Reseeds. Blue or white flower. Attracts pollinators.
Stoke’s Aster
Stokesia laevis
Cold: Hardy Light: Partial Shade/ Shade Salt: Poor Soil PH: Wide Moisture: Average / Moist Leaves: Evergreen
2 ft height. Perennial. Purple, showy flower. Forms clumps that can be divided.
Tickseed, Leavenworth’s
Coreopsis leavenworthii
Cold: Hardy Light: Sun Salt: Fair Soil PH: Wide Moisture: Average / Moist Leaves: Evergreen
2 ft height. Showy yellow flowers. Mass planting. Good butterfly attractor. Self-seeding. Naturalizes. https://flawildflowers.org/flower-friday-coreopsis-leavenworthiii/
Tickseed, Lanceleaf
Coreopsis lanceolata
Cold: Hardy Light: Sun / Partial Sun Salt: Poor Soil PH: Wide Moisture: Dry / Average Leaves: Evergreen
2 ft height. Erect perennial from basal rosette. Yellow flowers Jun-Oct. Refined. Reseeds. Tolerates drier soils than other species.
Dyschoriste oblongifolia
Cold: Hardy Light: Sun / Partial Sun Salt: Fair Soil PH: Wide Moisture: Dry / Average Leaves: Evergreen
1 ft height. Blooms spring through fall. Groundcover. Larval host for Buckeye butterfly.
Twinflower, Lakeside
Dyschoriste humistrata
Cold: Semi-tender Light: Sun / Partial Shade / Shade Salt: Poor Soil PH: Wide Moisture: Dry / Average / Moist Leaves: Evergreen
5 in height. Wildflower groundcover for moist areas (or irrigation). Trim-able. Larval host for Buckeye butterfly.
Flaveria linearis
Cold: Hardy Light: Sun / Partial Shade Salt: Excellent Soil PH: Wide Moisture: Average / Moist Leaves: Evergreen
2 ft in height. Perennial. Yellow flowers. Excellent for moist, saline environments.
We try to carry these amazing plants at the Nursery year round, to the best of our ability. Availability changes daily, so please call us (941) 322-1915 or send an email to info@floridanativeplants.com before visiting to make sure your specific sought after plants are in stock.
Note: we respond to email and phone messages during our open retail hours.
The Conditions
Partial Shade
Soil PH