Salt Tolerant Plants
For Your Coastal Landscape
If you live on or very near the beach, choose salt-tolerant native plants for your landscape. Salt-tolerant is a broad term that describes plants that can thrive in places subject to salt spray, salt water inundation, or salt water intrusion into shallow wells used for irrigation.
Three general beach areas require different levels of salt-tolerance in plants. The frontal zone extends from the high-tide line to areas of the beach in which the sand is stable. Native grasses and trailing vines do well here and are the only plants that can handle the salt spray and drifting sand. The back dune, where the sand is stable, supports a select group of native salt-tolerant trees, shrubs, and other herbaceous plants as well as native grasses and vines. Farthest from the beach is the forest zone where pines and oaks and other hardwoods grow.
If you have shoreline and want to plant on the bare sands of the frontal zone, choose sand-colonizing plants (see Chart). Plants in this zone must be able to tolerate shifting sand and salt spray. Salt-tolerant grass species and creeping, colonizing vines thrive in this zone.
Very few native trees and shrubs do well just shoreward of the frontal zone into the back zone. This is still a tough area for plants. Sands are fairly stable here but salt spray is still intense since there is no buffer between these plants and winds blowing off the water. Further inland into the back zone, where wind and salt spray are not constant, sabal palm, sea grape (south Florida), and sand live oak (north Florida) will grow. These are the only shade-providing trees for this area of the beach. Tropical storms, however, can still cause considerable damage to plants in this area.
Sabal palms planted in clusters of five to seven individuals will shade patios and sitting areas located on back dunes and further inland. They transplant easily. Choose individuals of varying heights for a natural look. They are cold-hardy and are probably the most hurricane-resistant plants in Florida.
Sea grapes make wonderful small trees. They can grow to twenty-five feet tall and provide dense shade. You can remove the lower branches and allow the upper canopy to grow either as a single trunk or a multi-trunked tree. The leaves will turn orange-brown and fall off after being buffeted with salt-laden air from a storm, but the plant refoliates quickly. This in not the ideal plant for open pool areas, but in other areas fallen leaves make a long-lasting mulch.
Sand live oak is a shrubby evergreen tree. It has shiny, dark-green, leathery leaves and gnarled branches. You can intersperse it with sabal palms to create a more natural look.
Shrubs adapted to this area of the beach, such as yaupon holly, will most likely be stunted and shaped by wind and salt spray into interesting configurations. During storms they may lose their leaves, but will refoliate. Plants unable to withstand such conditions will not survive.
In the forest zone a variety of plants grow well (see chart). It is an area where dune plants, coastal species, and inland species intermix.
Other areas that require salt-tolerant plants are low lying areas near the beach, the land sides of sea walls and the banks of brackish creeks. Plants in these areas can occasionally be flooded by brackish water, and you need to choose plants that can survive salt water inundation (see chart).
Another problem that is becoming more common is salt water intrusion into shallow wells. Folks who live in coastal areas and who use shallow well water to irrigate their plants should have their water tested for salt levels. If you do have salt water intrusion, then you should stop using well water for irrigation unless you have salt-tolerant plants. Since even native plants require watering until they are acclimated, native plants that don't tolerate a moderate level of salt will not do well.
No section on salt-tolerant coastal plants would be complete without reference to mangrove trees. They grow naturally along the edges of saline bays and tidal streams. Mangroves are protected at the federal, state, and local levels in Florida, and the state and many local municipalities regulate mangrove trimming. Protect natural stands of mangroves on your property. Don't hedge mangroves to a six-foot height as currently allowed in many counties, since you will eliminate habitat for shoreline wildlife by doing this. Remember also, that mangroves protect your home and property against hurricane and storm force winds. A more environmentally sensitive approach is to remove only select branches in order to create desirable views.
Common Name | Botanical Name | Location – FL - Flood Zone; FD - Front Dunes; BD - Back Dunes; FZ - Forest Zone | Culture | Salt Water Flood Tolerance | Salt Spray/ Salt Soil Tolerance | Drought Tolerance |
TREES | ||||||
Green Buttonwood | Conocarpus erectus | FL, BD, FZ | Full Sun – Part Shade | Tolerant | High | Moderate |
Slash Pine | Pinus elliottii | FZ | Full Sun – Part Shade | Tolerant | Moderate | Moderate |
Cinnecord | Vachellia choriophylla | FZ | Full Sun | Storm Surge | Moderate | High |
Gumbo Limbo | Bursera simaruba | FZ | Full Sun – Part Shade | Storm Surge | Some | High |
Jamaican Caper | Quadrella jamaicensis | FZ | Full Sun – Part Shade | Storm Surge | Moderate | High |
Live Oak | Quercus virginiana | FZ | Full Sun – Shade | Storm Surge | Moderate | High |
Orange Geiger | Cordia sebestena | FZ | Full Sun – Part Shade | Storm Surge | High | High |
Sabal Palm | Sabal Palmetto | FL, BD, FZ | Full Sun – Shade | Storm Surge | Moderate | High |
Southern Red Cedar | Juniperus virginiana silicola | FZ | Full Sun | Storm Surge | High | High |
Sweet Acacia | Vachellia farnesiana | FZ | Full Sun | Storm Surge | High | High |
Thatch Palm | Thrinax radiata | BD, FZ | Full Sun – Part Shade | Storm Surge | High | Low |
Wild Lime | Zanthoxylum fagara | FZ | Full Sun – Part Shade | Storm Surge | Some | High |
Wild Tamarind | Lysiloma latisiliquum | FZ | Full Sun | Storm Surge | Low | High |
Bahama Stongbark | Bouorreria succulenta | FZ | Full Sun – Part Shade | No | Some | High |
Longleaf Pine | Pinus palustris | FZ | Full Sun – Part Shade | No | Low | High |
Mahogany | Swietenia mahagoni | FZ | Full Sun | No | Low | Low |
Sand Live Oak | Quercus geminata | BD, FZ | Full Sun – Part Shade | No | Some | High |
Red Bay | Persea borbonia var. borbonia | FZ | Full Sun - Part Shade | No | Moderate | High |
Pitch Apple | Clusia rosea | BD | Full Sun - Part Shade | No | Some | High |
Common Name | Botanical Name | Location – FL - Flood Zone; FD - Front Dunes; BD - Back Dunes; FZ - Forest Zone | Culture | Salt Water Flood Tolerance | Salt Spray/ Salt Soil Tolerance | Drought Tolerance |
SHRUBS | ||||||
Adams Needle | Yucca filamentosa | FZ | Full Sun - Part Shade | Storm Surge | Moderate | High |
Bahama Senna | Senna mexicana var. chapmanii | FZ | Full Sun - Part Shade | No | Moderate | Moderate |
Beautyberry | Callicarpa americana | FZ | Part Shade | No | Some | Moderate |
Christmas Berry | Lycium carolinianum | FL | Full Sun | Tolerant | High | Low |
Coral Bean | Erythrina herbacea | FZ | Full Sun - Shade | No | High | High |
Cocoplum | Chrysobalanus icaco | FL, FZ | Full Sun - Part Shade | Tolerant | Moderate | High |
Florida Privet | Forestiera segregata | FL, FZ | Full Sun - Part Shade | Storm Surge | Moderate | Moderate |
Marlberry | Ardisia escallonioides | FZ | Part Shade - Shade | No | Moderate | High |
Myrsine | Myrsine cubana | FL, FZ | Full Sun - Shade | No | Moderate | Low |
Sea Grape | Coccoloba uvifera | BD, FZ | Full Sun - Part Shade | Storm Surge | High | High |
Sea Oxeye Daisy | Borrichia frutescens | BD, FZ | Full Sun | Tolerant | High | Low |
Beach Croton | Croton punctatus | FD, BD, FZ | Full Sun | Low | High | High |
Beach Cedar | Suriana maritima | FD, BD | Full Sun - Part Shade | Storm Surge | High | High |
Beach Elder | Iva frutescens | FL, FD | Full Sun | Tolerant | High | None |
Stoppers | Myrcianthes spp | FZ | Full Sun - Part Shade | No | Moderate | Moderate |
Wax Myrtle | Morella cerifera | FL, FZ | Full Sun - Part Shade | Storm Surge | Moderate | Moderate |
Wild Coffee | Psychotria nervosa | FZ | Part Shade - Shade | No | Some | Moderate |
Wild Sage | Lantana involucrata | BD, FZ | Full Sun - Part Shade | Storm Surge | Some | High |
Yaupon Holly | Ilex vomitoria | FZ | Full Sun - Part Shade | Tolerant | Moderate | High |
Beach Creeper | Ernodea littoralis | FD, BD, FZ | Full Sun - Part Shade | Storm Surge | Moderate | High |
Necklacepod | Sophora tomentosa | FZ | Full Sun | Storm Surge | High | High |
Coontie | Zamia integrifolia | FZ | Full Sun - Shade | Tolerant | Some | High |
Dwarf Pitch Apple | Clusia rosea ‘nana’ | BD | Full Sun - Part Shade | No | Some | High |
Snowberry | Chiococca alba | FZ | Part Shade - Shade | Tolerant | Some | High |
Common Name | Botanical Name | Location – FL - Flood Zone; FD - Front Dunes; BD - Back Dunes; FZ - Forest Zone | Culture | Salt Water Flood Tolerance | Salt Spray/ Salt Soil Tolerance | Drought Tolerance |
Beach Dune Sunflower | Helianthus debilis subsp. Vestitus | BD, FD | Full Sun | No | High | High |
Blanket Flower | Gaillardia pulchella | BD | Full Sun | No | High | High |
Seaside Goldenrod | Solidago sempervirens | BD, FD | Full Sun | Tolerant | Moderate | High |
Spider Lily | Crinum americanum | FL | Full Sun - Shade | Tolerant | Some | None |
Beach Verbena | Glandularia maritima | FZ | Full Sun | No | High | High |
Seaside Ageratum | Ageratum maritimum | FZ | Full Sun - Part Shade | Storm Surge | Moderate | High |
Key West Morning Glory | Jacquemontia pentanthos | BD, FZ | Full Sun | Storm Surge | High | Low |
Common Name | Botanical Name | Location – FL - Flood Zone; FD - Front Dunes; BD - Back Dunes; FZ - Forest Zone | Culture | Salt Water Flood Tolerance | Salt Spray/ Salt Soil Tolerance | Drought Tolerance |
GRASSES | ||||||
Muhly Grass | Muhlenbergia capillaris | BD, FZ | Full Sun | Storm Surge | Moderate | High |
Salt Meadow Cordgrass | Spartina patens | FL, FD | Full Sun - Part Shade | Storm Surge | High | None |
Sand Cordgrass | Spartina bakeri | BD | Full Sun | No | Moderate | Low |
Sea Oats | Uniola paniculata | FD, BD | Full Sun | Storm Surge | High | High |
Common Name | Botanical Name | Location – FL - Flood Zone; FD - Front Dunes; BD - Back Dunes; FZ - Forest Zone | Culture | Salt Water Flood Tolerance | Salt Spray/ Salt Soil Tolerance | Drought Tolerance |
Railroad Vine | Ipomoea pes-caprae | FD | Full Sun | No | High | High |
Beach Morning Glory | Ipomoea imperati | BD | Full Sun | No | High | High |
Wild Plumbago | Plumbago zeylanica | FZ | Part Shade - Shade | No | Moderate | Moderate |
Sea Purslane | Sesuvium portulacastrum | FD, BD, FZ | Full Sun | Tolerant | High | Moderate |
Sunshine Mimosa | Mimosa strigillosa | FZ | Full Sun | No | Low | High |
Frogfruit | Phyla nodiflora | FZ | Full Sun | No | Low | High |
FERNS | ||||||
Leather Fern | Acrostichum danaeifolium | FL | Part Shade | Tolerant | High | None |